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Death Note Relight 1: Visions of a God (2007)

Death Note Relight 1: Visions of a God (2007) - TV Movie Movies 131 minutes. Death Note: Re-Light - Visions of a God, Death Note Director's Cut, Death Note Rewrite: Genshisuru Kami, Death Note Relight - Visions of a God, Death Note Relight: L'Affrontement, Death Note Rewrite - Visions Of A God, DEATH NOTE:R デスノート:リライト 幻視する神, デスノート:リライト 幻視する神, Death Note Rewrite 1 - La visión de un dios, Death Note Re-Light-Visions of a God. A recap of Death Note episodes 1–26, with new footage. When rogue shinigami Ryuk leaves his Death Note in the human world, he has no idea how far the one who finds it will take his new-found power. With the Death Note in hand, brilliant high school student Light Yagami vows to rid the world of evil. , , , , , , ,

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